Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Day 2

This morning I woke up at 6:30 to go work out with one of my mentors. Our work out began at 7:20 a.m. Besides this, I didn't have to be anywhere until 10:15 a.m. We were working out in the atrium at church, when the new youth pastor walked in and said we were up really early.

He knows I don't get up that early, so he said something directly to me and asked me why. I responded with, Tiffany needed someone to work out with." But it doesn't stop there. Yes, Tiffany needed someone to work out with. But I also know that if I have someone keeping me accountable, then I'm more likely to work out.

Something else that I thought of on my way home was this:
I'm not changing my exercise and eating habits to have the "perfect" body. That's not even obtainable. I'm changing my exercise and eating habits because I've seen what it's like when you don't. I have seen family members struggle with health issues. Doctors have told them that if they lost weight, the likeliness of having the same problems would be very slim. Do these family members lose weight to become healthier? No. Why not? because it's hard.

I'm going to kick these problems in the butt before they get me.
High blood pressure, diabetes, sleep apnea, high cholesterol...
I am not going to have to struggle with these because of my weight.

This is why I'm trying to be healthier. I want better for my future.

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