Friday, July 18, 2014

Chasing Life

I haven't posted a blog in 10 months. This was mostly due to the extreme craziness of my senior year of undergrad. Here's a small update on what's been going on with me since last September:

I am no longer a vegetarian. That literally lasted 3 weeks. I couldn't take it.
I sprained my ankle in November, and basically could not/ did not work out from November to February.
Because of this.. and some other things, I've gained back all the weight I've lost and then some.

I'm at my highest weight ever. This is very upsetting to me. Barely any of my clothes fit. I have a hard time getting up off the floor. I am uncomfortable.

I cannot do this anymore. I need to change. Today I am changing the way I do things.

I am going to eat better. I am going to exercise more. I am going to drink more water. I am going to change my life.

1 comment:

  1. You posted this quite a while ago but, that doesn't mean I can't encourage you to get back it! If there's one thing I'm enjoying about blogging, it's the accountability that putting things out there brings.

    YOU CAN DO THIS. It is never too late to tweak your lifestyle and become progressively more healthy.
